Write To The Root

A transformative mindful writing series to enhance your well-being through six guided and engaging workshops.

Write To The Root helps you uncover your truest thoughts and guides you toward a calm, clear mind.

🌿A calm and clear mind helps you make strong decisions.

🌿Strong decisions are in your best interests.

🌿Nourishing your best interests enhances your well- being.

Write To The Root is a powerful two-part mindful writing series, each part consisting of three workshops.

You will receive all six workshops, offering profound insights into the truths of your life.

Each of the six workshops flows into the next, but you control your well-being, so you decide how many workshops you want to do.

Doing one will provide a soothing sense of calm and elevate your self-awareness.

Doing three will drive you to greater inner peace through deeper self-discovery.

Doing six will unlock profound truths, pointing you toward rejuvenated energy and enhanced emotional wellness.

“What a lovely, relaxing, reflective, insightful experience. The more I write, the clearer my thoughts become.” - Ariana

Write To The Root
One time

Get any time access to my most profound mindful writing series. Feel free to contact me with any questions during or after your Write To The Root journey. Reach out as much as you want as every question is important!

✓ 7.5 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ In the comfort of your own space
✓ At your convenience
✓ Cost effective

More Benefits of Write To The Root

Self-sustainable: Helps you take control of your well-being.

Cost-Effective*: A fraction of the cost of other expensive self-care practices. It’s like getting six workshops for less than the price of one.

*Receipt provided for insurance purposes upon request.

Private & Safe: Your writing stays only with you so that you can be completely honest with yourself.

Expert Guidance: Write To The Root was created and is supported by Lori Rosove, a registered social worker and writing educator with extensive experience in mindful writing.

Flexibility: The on-demand format makes it easy to fit into your schedule.

Reusable: Write To The Root is yours for life. You will have access to this valuable tool whenever you’re needing calm energy to decompress, make important decisions, or just feel good.

BONUS: FREE 15-minute consultations to answer any of your questions before, during, or after Write To The Root. Book as many times as you need. I’ll always look forward to hearing from you :)

Still not sure it’s for you?

Ask yourself these questions:

Do I need/want to feel calmer?

Am I wanting more energy/motivation?

✔ Am I wanting to resolve a persistent concern?

Do I want more confidence in my decisions?

Am I looking for more peace of mind?

If you answered ‘YES’ to any of the above, then, Write To The Root IS for you!

Write To The Root
One time

Get any time access to my most profound mindful writing series. Feel free to contact me with any questions during or after your Write To The Root journey. Reach out as much as you want as every question is important!

✓ 7.5 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ In the comfort of your own space
✓ At your convenience
✓ Cost effective

What will we do in the Write To The Root Workshops?

Write To The Root workshops are labeled Weeks 1-6. However, you choose how frequently you do a workshop. Just make sure you do them in order!

In each workshop, I’ll guide you through a gentle and calming mind dig to reveal thoughts you were unaware of or gain certainty where you were unsure. 

Although each workshop builds upon the next, doing just Week 1 will uncover deep thoughts, encouraging some clarity and calm you’ve been looking for.

The digging and revealing go deeper with each following workshop.

Completing all six workshops will lead to profound awareness, encourage peace and clear-mindedness, and guide you in key decision-making.

Need to know more?

WEEK 1: THE NOW PERIOD - You will begin to declutter your mind and notice what is going on for you in the present time. You may reveal deep thoughts that you were unaware of.

WEEK 2: THE MOVEMENT OF MY LIFE - You will notice how your life story only moves forward. You will acknowledge occurrences in your past without getting stuck on them.

WEEK 3: CORRELATION 1 - You will begin connecting what is going on for you in the present with occurrences in your life story. Your newly found awareness will begin to set you up for strong decision-making.


WEEK 4: CORRELATION 2 - You will continue connecting occurrences in your present life with your life story. You will be deep in the mind-decluttering process as you start to see things differently.

WEEK 5: RECOGNITION - You will gain a deeper understanding of the connections between your present life with occurrences in your life story. You will use this awareness to recognize the presence of your strengths.

WEEK 6: IDENTIFICATION - You will continue recognizing your strengths and move towards identifying your desires. You’ll use that clarity to begin an action plan on how to get where you want to go.


Write To The Root FAQs

  • No experience is required for Write To The Root. As long as you can use a pen and embrace new ideas, you’re good to go!

  • Write To The Root can be profound and useful for anyone who wants more calm and clarity in their life. The 6-week series offers strategies for digging deep into your mind to reveal truths that are sometimes hidden. Knowledge of these truths can increase self-awareness needed to make important decisions.

  • You can do all six or as many as you would like. Although each workshop leads to the next, doing just one will give you the calm and clarity you’ve been looking for. Doing all six will take you to a profound level of both.

  • No. You will keep your writing private so you can be honest with yourself.

  • Absolutely! Click here to book a time to chat with me.

  • You’ll need a writing book, a pen or pencil, and a highlighter or different coloured pen. You will also need the Page Marks and Self-Declaration form that you will receive when you purchase the series. But, don’t worry, I repeat all of this in Week 1 to make sure you’re good to go!

  • I designed Write To The Root with adults in mind (aged 18+); however, younger people are welcome to participate.

  • Sure! As long as you have an Internet connection and your space is quiet, allowing you to immerse yourself in the workshop.

  • Of course! I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out at hello@treesandbreathe.com.