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The Power of Writing!

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self-care, calm, clear-minded, stress reduction Lori Rosove self-care, calm, clear-minded, stress reduction Lori Rosove

Mindful Writing to Increase Group Strength

In my workshops, I integrate mindfulness tools with writing strategies to help create a calm and safe writing space. Mindfulness tools help us to stay focused on the present - what is happening right now - without judgment or analysis. This means paying attention to our sensations, feelings, and thoughts in the here and now.

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Lori Rosove Lori Rosove

Navigating Life's Challenges Through Words

When stress and uncertainty weigh heavily on your shoulders, I want you to know there is a powerful tool for coping and healing: therapeutic writing. This little-used gem can serve as a transformative tool for processing emotions, finding clarity, and fostering resilience in the face of adversity. Here’s 4 Ways Therapeutic Writing does that.

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Lori Rosove Lori Rosove

Save Yourself Years of Grief!

I’m going to tell you something that’s going to save you from years of grief! It took me way too long to figure this out and I don’t want you to experience the frustration and stress I did for so long.

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Lori Rosove Lori Rosove

Get to your real ‘aha’ moment!

“For many years I did not understand the progression [of an issue] and this workshop allowed me to see it more clearly” - Monica

You know when you are excited because you think you found the answer as to why you are dissatisfied with something? So, you make a change according to that ‘answer’ but after a bit, you end up feeling the same dissatisfaction?

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Lori Rosove Lori Rosove

The Art of Crafting Writing Spaces

Finding those quiet moments for self-care feels like a tender embrace for the soul. What we do with those moments can profoundly shape our well-being. For me, I turn to therapeutic writing. It is like an internal magical journey that allows me to understand my thoughts, nurture my creativity, and find inner peace.

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Lori Rosove Lori Rosove

Is Therapeutic Writing Considered Therapy?

Therapeutic writing can be used as a supplement or alternative to traditional “talk therapy.” However, it can also be effective in a non-clinical setting; as a self-help tool. This means therapeutic writing can work for you whether you are engaged in traditional counseling or not. In either situation, it will work if you are feeling “stuck” and want to move forward.

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